If you have a sensitive bladder, you will not have to miss out on tasty foods. The key is to know which foods are more likely to irritate your bladder and which ones are more likely to soothe. In general, you will want to avoid coffee, alcohol, citrus fruits, tomato-based products, artificial sweeteners, and spicy foods. Read on to learn about 10 bladder-friendly foods.
Pears. They are good fall fruits that generally begin to
ripen in September and sometimes October depending on the region. Pears are a
good source of fiber and about 100 calories per serving.
Bananas, Typically available in grocery stores year-round,
bananas are great as snacks, toppings for cereals or in smoothies.
Green beans. At about 31 calories per 1-cup serving, green
beans will add some color to your plate. You can eat them raw, add them to
salads or roast them with a little olive oil.
Winter squash. Do not let the name fool you. Winter squash
are available in both fall and winter. Squash varieties include acorn, butternut
and spaghetti.
Potatoes. Need a bladder-friendly comfort food when the
weather cools down? Try white potatoes or sweet potatoes (yams).
Lean proteins. Examples include low-fat beef, pork, chicken,
turkey and fish. Especially when baked, steamed or broiled, they are unlikely
to bother your bladder.
Whole grains. Quinoa, rice and oats are just a few examples
of whole grains. They come in many varieties and are generally not expensive.
Breads. Overall, breads are bladder-friendly and a nice
addition to meals. Bread is also great for delicious turkey sandwiches after
Nuts. Almonds, cashews and peanuts are healthy snacks and
rich in protein.
Eggs. Also rich in protein, eggs are on several lists as one
of the “least bothersome” foods for bladder conditions.