Reasons To See a Urologist
Urologist – a doctor who specializes in the treatment of the function and disorders of the urinary system.
Your urologist knows all about the urinary system, which includes your kidneys, bladder, ureters (thin muscles that carry pee into your bladder) and urethra (tube that drains pee out of your bladder.)
Urologists also treat a man’s reproductive system, which includes the penis, testes, scrotum, and prostate.
When Should I see a Urologist Instead of a Primary Care Doctor or Other Specialist?
Urologists are best trained to treat any condition involving the urinary tract and the male reproductive system. A urologist may work with an oncologist to treat prostate cancer, or with a gynecologist to treat pelvic pain in women. However, if you have a urologic condition, the urologist will be at the head of your medical team.
Sometimes a patient will be referred to a urologist by another health care professional, but often people go straight to a urologist for treatment. Your primary care doctor may be able to treat some minor urologic issues. However, if your symptoms do not go away, it is best to see a urologist and get to the root of the problem. If you know your symptoms or condition involve the urinary tract or male reproductive system, you may choose to see a urologist as your first step.

Urology Services
Urologic Oncology
- Prostate Cancer
- Bladder Cancer
- Adrenal Cancer
- Kidney Cancer
- Testicular Cancer
Urinary Infections & Stones
- Kidney Stones
- Recurrent Urinary Tract Infection
- Interstitial Cystitis
Pediatric Urology
- Undescended/Retractile Testicles
- Hydrocele/Hernia
- Enuresis (bed wetting)
- Hypospadias
Urinary Incontinence
- Traumatic and post-surgical incontinence
Genitourinary Trauma, Reconstructive Surgery Paraplegic & Quadriplegic Care
Mens Health
- Enlarged Prostate (BPH)
- Erectile Dysfunction
- Hypogonadism
- Hydrocele
- Varicocele
- Spermatocele
- Recurrent Urinary Tract Infection
- Vasectomy
Women’s Health
- Over Active Bladder (OAB)
- Female Stress Incontinence
- Urinary Tract Infection
Neurogenic Bladder Dysfunction (Paraplegic and Quadriplegic Care)
What Should I Expect When Visiting the Urologist?
Urology offers patients a wide range of treatment choices, letting patients work with their urologists to find the best solution for them.
Surgery may be the best choice for some people. Drugs or behavioral therapy (such as bladder re-training) may work better for others. Some people may improve most using a mix of two or three treatments. You and your urologist can work together as a team to address your own needs.