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Simple Steps to Take Better Care of Your Urologic Health

Simple Steps to Take Better Care of Your Urologic Health

Taking the right steps to help boost and keep on eye on your urological health is key, because diagnosing urologic health isn’t as simple as stepping on a scale.There can be problems that only a doctor can diagnosis, which means anything you can do is a big help.

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Most Common Vasectomy Misconceptions

Most Common Vasectomy Misconceptions

Vasectomy is a common procedure for men, and is an excellent form of non-drug permanent birth control for couples.Let’s be honest: When it comes to birth control, many of us think about condoms or the pill as reliable options. And they are … to some degree. But,...

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Kyla Rae – Employee of The Month – June 2021

Kyla Rae – Employee of The Month – June 2021

Congrats to Kyla, June's employee of the month. Here are some things her coworkers said about her: "Kyla has been a tremendous asset to the authorization department in making sure all insurances are verified and that we are notified when a pcp referral or any...

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Wendy Burns – Employee of The Month – May 2021

Wendy Burns – Employee of The Month – May 2021

Congrats to Wendy, May's employee of the month. Here are some things her coworkers said about her: "A patient came in and wanted to thank Wendy for all of her help.  Thanks for everything.  She is willing to learn how to verify coverage to help with add-on...

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June is Men’s Health Month

June is Men’s Health Month

Men, on average, die almost 5 years earlier than women. Encourage early detection. The Urology Care Foundation, the world's leading nonprofit urological health foundation, utilizes the month of June to educate and raise awareness of such urology-related conditions and...

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5 Ways to Keep Your Kidneys Healthy

5 Ways to Keep Your Kidneys Healthy

More than 26 million Americans already have a kidney disease. The problem is most are not aware, because there are no signs of kidney disease until it has progressed. There is no "one-size-fits-all" solution for preventing kidney problems. The good news is there are...

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