Find out what’s happening at YUA
March 2016 Employee of the Month
Yanet was voted by her coworkers as March’s employee of the month. Thanks for your hard work Yanet!
Survey Results
Yakima Urology Associates conducted a comprehensive patient satisfaction survey during the fourth quarter of 2015. The purpose of the survey was to measure patient perceptions of the work processes and provider/staff performance that affect satisfaction, loyalty, and...
January 2016 Employee of the Month – Sharalee
Employee of the Month In January 2016, Sharalee was voted employee of the month by her co workers! Sharalee works in the billing department as a Financial Counselor/Billing Specialist. Here are some of her co workers comments: “The words kind, compassionate, helpful,...
At YUA, We’re Proud of Our Professional Staff
Julie Wells, RN CURN is a staff member with the surgery center.
2014 Adopt a Family
A Big, Big Thank you to everyone who pitched in to help make this a wonderful Christmas for our Adopt a Family!
Christmas in July 2014 – 1,016 POUNDS Donated!!!
WOW! 1,016 pounds donated for our annual Christmas in July event! Thanks to all those who contributed! Click for larger view!