Find out what’s happening at YUA
April is Testicular Cancer Awareness Month
Testicular Cancer is the most common cancer in males ages 15-44. We all have loved ones that are susceptible to this disease. By having a dedicated month for Testicular Cancer, a spotlight has been placed on the disease about the importance of understanding the...
March is National Kidney Month
1 in 3 Americans is at risk for Kidney Disease due to diabetes, high blood pressure, or family history. Over 26 million Americans already have Kidney disease, and most don't know it because there are no symptoms until the disease progresses.Why Are Your Kidneys...
2020 February’s Employee of the Month – Maria Espinoza
Congrats to Maria, the new employee of the month. Here are some things her coworkers said about her. “One day 3 floats were scheduled but 2 called in. That left me by myself until further notice. Maria was scheduled to do her catch up…
2020 January’s Employee of the Month – Annali Solorio
Congrats to Annali, the new employee of the month. Here are some things her coworkers said about her. “She has cheerfully and winsomely taken on many new tasks and responsibilities with locked-on attention to detail and grace…
Overcoming An Overactive Bladder
YUA Health Message - Overcoming an overactive bladder Overactive Bladder is a common condition often due to one’s bladder contracting at any time without warning. This bladder contraction can give rise to the symptoms of urgency, frequency (daytime and nighttime) and...
YUA Health Message: Things to know about Urinary Tract Infections
YUA Health Message - Things to know about Urinary Tract Infections A urinary tract infection, or UTI, is an infection in any part of your urinary tract system. This could be in your kidneys, bladder or urethra. UTIs cause more than 8 million visits to health care...