Employee of the month 2017 – Laurie Osorio

Congratulations to our December Employee of the Month!! Here are some of the great things her coworkers said about her:
“Laurie received a call this morning from a patient who was driving up from Umatilla – Maria Diaz. While she was on the phone, this patient and her daughter were in a car accident. Laurie remained calm while talking to the daughter and then was able to contact Oregon State police who had arrived on scene to assist the patient and her daughter. She did everything exactly right!! She should get extra credit for this one!”
“She jumps in to help co-workers when they are behind. Great team work!”
“She always goes out of her way to help any one of us and our patients. She’s always willing to call or talk to a Spanish speaking patient for us. She’s never afraid to take on a challenge. She’s a hard worker and a great friend!!”