At YUA, We’re Proud of Our Professional Staff

Julie Wells, RN CURN highest score achieved on Certification Examination
Julie Wells, RN CURN is a staff member with the surgery center. She has been with YUA since 2006 and works in PACU. She is also the Inter Stim Program Consultant.
Julie was awarded the prestigious MacFarlane Award for receiving the highest score when she took the Certification Examination in May 2014.
The Award will be presented at the SUNA Annual Conference in October 2015
We are very proud of Julie for representing the highest standards of professional competence that we strive for at YUA!
The Macfarlane Award – Certification for Urologic Nurses and Associates
The Macfarlane Award honors the candidate who achieves the highest score on the certification examination given by the Certification Board for Urologic Nurses and Associates (CBUNA). This award was established in 1980 by Dr. Curt Macfarlane in honor of his wife, Jan Macfarlane, who was a founding member of the Certification Board.
Jan single-handedly, in one year developed the prototypes for written examinations in three professional categories. Because form follows function, the board gradually evolved into a Nursing Certification Board