2018 February Employee of the Month
Congratulations to our February Employee of the month – David Smith! Thanks for all your hard work.

“He does a great job with patients and never hesitate to help when asked. He has a great disposition and a smile on his face. YUA is lucky to have this young man on staff.”
“David was working in clinic with me one day when we had a patient attempt to leave a urine sample. The patient proceeded to urinate on everything in the restroom except in the urine cup. David “took one for the team” and grabbed a mop and cleaned up the mess. Big thanks to David!”
“David is such a great addition to our team! Flexible, helpful, smart, plus, he speaks Spanish, just another bonus for us. Thank you David for being a great team player!”
“Thank you Dave for jumping in and helping with Dr. Shively’s clinic today. You had your own work to do but saw the need and just took the initiative. You’re a great part of our team!”
“I was working in MAU clinic and his half day schedule didn’t look to shabby. Well… was I wrong. We were hammered and I just wanted to inform you that my helper Yanet and floats Pauline and David saved my toosh!! SLM was a BIG help!!! I LOVE that I didn’t have to ask for the help, all three of them jumped in and saved the day!! I’m just so blessed to work with AMAZING team workers!!! They all deserve employee of the month nominations!! I love what I do but couldn’t get the job done without our amazing Nurses/MA’s. :)”
“I would like to Nominate David for several reasons – 1. He is very good and personable with patients, greets them in a friendly manner. 2. Several patients make comments about how he is very good at injections…they refer to him as “the BIG guy”. 3. He is always quick to help with staff even if he is in another clinic, he will stop what he is doing to help out with a transfer or whatever it is we need help with.”
“He was in MAU clinic when a pt. walked in and told us that a wife was having trouble getting her husband who was a pt. get out of the car. I immediately called David for his help assisting this pt and he didn’t hesitate to pull away from working his clinic to come and help a pt.”
“David has really stepped up to run Dr Gaskill’s clinic while Kathy has been gone. He is doing a fabulous job and should be given a big pat on the back! Thank you David!”
“I wanted to mention what a great team I work with. The big shipment came today and while I was at lunch Yanet, Ramon and David started opening boxes and putting supplies away. I had seen the boxes when I went to lunch so it was a nice surprise to see they had started when I came back from lunch.”
“I can always count on David to help me out when there is a difficult patient needing to get on and off the X-ray table. He doesn’t hesitate to jump in and help! He makes my job a little easier when given a difficult circumstance, and for that he deserves recognition! Thank you David for lending your muscles!”